Picnic Solutions

Picnic designs, creates and operates Discretionary Mutuals Funds (DMFs).

As a part of the solution design, Picnic has created two unique offerings that can be made available to other DMFs.
Picnic Flood Risk Pricing for Australian commercial property and content is available upon request

Risk Protection

Discretionary Mutuals (DMFs) form part of the alternative insurance solutions designed and operated by Picnic Labs.

DMFs structures form the solution, depending upon your needs and the environments in which you operate.

Alternatively, a DMF may be designed to form one layer of protection.

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PGPL+Cell provide Reprotection - reinsurance solutions and is offered by Picnic to DMFs across Australia and the world

DMF Reinsurance

Our PGPL+Cell is our unique, global solution for DMF Reinsurance.

It may be used by any Discretionary Mutual offering insurance alternatives globally, including Picnic operated DMFs.

To understand more about how the PGPL+Cell works and if it is a suitable option for your DMF, contact us.

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Discretionary Mutual Funds - DMFs - provide an insurance alternative

Australian Risks

The Picnic Flood Risk Pricing tool has been developed to provide realistic risk protection options for Australian commercial properties & contents.

If you are licensed to arrange Miscellaneous Financial Risk products, Picnic Flood Risk Pricing access may be made available upon request.

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